About MAVI

MAVI (Machine-Assisted Virtual Intelligence)

is a groundbreaking token that aims to revolutionize the field of artificial intelligence by leveraging the power of blockchain technology. Our vision is to democratize access to data and distribute AI capabilities, enabling machines to learn from a vast and diverse pool of information.

Power of Blockchain

Decentralized Data Exchange

MAVI establishes a decentralized network where individuals and organizations can securely contribute their data for analysis by AI algorithms.


Blockchain-Powered Security

Our cutting-edge blockchain technology ensures the privacy, security, and immutability of data, fostering trust and enabling seamless data sharing.

Artificial Intelligence

Enhanced AI Capabilities

By harnessing the collective intelligence of the global community, MAVI empowers AI algorithms to gain deeper insights, make more accurate predictions, and achieve unprecedented levels of performance.


Transformative Impact

With MAVI, we unlock the potential to revolutionize industries, solve complex challenges, and shape a future where AI works hand in hand with humans for the betterment of society.


Data Democratization

We believe that access to data should not be limited to a privileged few. MAVI provides an inclusive platform for individuals and organizations to contribute and benefit from the power of AI.


Token Sale

We are excited to announce that the MAVI token sale will begin on May 22, 2023. This is your opportunity to join the MAVI revolution and contribute to the advancement of AI powered by blockchain technology. Here are the key details of the token sale:

Pre Sale
22 May 2023
10 Days
All tokens will be Minted Liquidity will be provided
Token Symbol MAVI
Token Sale Start 22 May 2023
Total Supply 20,000,000
Max circulating supply 20,000,000

Token Allocation

10% CEX Listing
90% Liquidity Pool (DEX)
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Read Our Documents

Here is our full documents that help you to understand about us.

Privacy Policy

Road Map

Q2 2023 MAVI project token sale.
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
  • Token sale
Q3 2023 Core team formation, initial research and development.
  • Develop the MAVI platform's concept and architecture.
  • Explore integration of blockchain technology and AI algorithms.
Q4 2023 Prototype development and testing, data sharing partnerships.
  • Build a functional prototype of the decentralized data exchange.
  • Establish partnerships with organizations to contribute and share data securely.
Q1 2024 Beta version launch, user feedback integration.
  • Release the beta version of the MAVI platform for testing.
  • Gather user feedback and make necessary improvements based on input.
Q2 2024 Enhanced security and scalability features.
  • Implement advanced blockchain-powered security measures.
  • Enhance platform scalability to accommodate increased data volumes.
Q3 2024 Community building initiatives, partnerships.
  • Engage in developer outreach and collaboration for ecosystem growth.
  • Form strategic partnerships with AI and blockchain organizations.
Q4 2024 Full-scale platform launch, industry onboarding.
  • Launch the fully functional MAVI platform for widespread adoption.
  • Onboard diverse industries and organizations to contribute data.
Q1 2025 Ecosystem expansion, collaborations, interoperability.
  • Expand the MAVI ecosystem through collaborations with other platforms.
  • Ensure interoperability with other blockchain networks for seamless data sharing.
Q2 2025 Platform performance improvement, user feedback incorporation.
  • Continuously improve platform performance based on user feedback.
  • Incorporate emerging technologies and AI advancements into the platform.
Q3 2025 Exploration of applications beyond AI.
  • Explore potential applications of MAVI in IoT, robotics, and other fields.
  • Identify innovative uses of the platform to drive further advancements.

Get In Touch

Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.
